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Beverage Recipes

Golden Milk Latte


Make with fairlife® 1% Ultra-Filtered Milk. Recipe courtesy of Ashley Cote of Spoonful of Flavor

What You Need

Golden Milk Latte


  1. whisk milk, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, honey, black pepper and any additional spices desired in a small saucepan.
  2. bring the mixture to a low boil, then reduce heat and simmer until incorporated, 5 minutes.
  3. remove from heat and taste, adjusting flavors and sweetener as needed.
  4. strain through a fine mesh sieve into mugs and top with a dash of cinnamon.
  5. use a milk frother and froth for a couple minutes until you reach your desired froth level.
  6. note: you can also add one or two shots of espresso prior to frothing.
Cooking time (duration)

Prep Time10 minutes Cook Time20 minutes

Number of servings (yield)

1 serving




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Nutritional Information

Calories 173

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